Although I had this dream a while ago, I wanted to share it again.
I saw this little church and it was filled with people. I saw this preacher standing in front of the congregation preaching. I noticed everyone in the church was standing and it was as if they were in some kind of trance like state. I was yelling at the people to stop listening to him, that he was lying to them but it was as if they couldn't see or hear me. So I ran up to the preacher asking why he was lying to them and he laughed and ran out the side door of the building. I ran after him and we ran out on a dock. He vanished. The next thing I know he emerged out of the water as a giant! He was at least 3 stories tall. He ripped the roof off of the church and started devouring the people. That is exactly what is happening today. People with itching ears being devoured by these preachers who are supposed to be telling you the truth and not just what you want to hear or what the gov tells them what they can and cannot preach!
I never had a problem standing up to preachers who are either misguided or deliberately misguide the people. I will not stop because time is short and there is no time for games and bs. I have no problem with people going to church but if you're just going because you feel its your ritual or duty, don't waste your time. If you're going just because your on the board.... forget it. Church should be a hospital for your soul, the broken, the hurting and for the truth. Where the Holy Spirit has his way. If you're in a church where you have to get permission to deliver a message from the Holy Spirit and it has to be approved first, you're in the wrong place. Church is where you should be getting equipped to bring people to Christ. Not just sitting on a bench and nothing more.
So many people and churches keep God in a box or keep him on a schedule and that's not what it's about. If you're not reaching people for Christ outside of church then don't call yourself a christian. If you're judging people, criticizing them and/or looking down on them because you think you're better than them.... then you need to seriously re-evaluate your relationship with Christ. Not enough churches teach or show the love of Christ. Oh yea.. they say "Jesus loves you" but they don't really teach it. They don't show or teach you that and that is really messed up. If you know someone who is going through hell that is beyond their control you have the nerve to either take advantage of the sitch or you look down on them because "God allowed it" then you're no better than the devil himself because that's something he would do. TRUST ME, I KNOW!
What happened to people just loving or caring for each other? We live in a world where the people try to out do each other of who makes the best weapons to use against each other. We live in a world where good is considered evil and evil is considered good. Now they're getting ready for a stage performance none of you are ready for unless you got Christ living inside of you.
If you're waiting for the right time, or until you got your life together, it's never going to happen. Jesus loves you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! He isn't asking you to change. He will help, lead and guide you. Don't know how? Just mean this with all your heart,
"Jesus, I receive you as the Lord of my life. I believe you came to earth in the flesh, died for me and rose on the 3rd day. I will follow you as you show me how".
If you're seeing this... you can't say you never were given the opportunity!