Sunday, July 14, 2013

December 2007 Threatened in Dream

December 2007

I had a dream I was in this hospital room. Everything was dark gray, the walls were dirty, cement floor. I was on a metal table on my back strapped down. A man walked in and circled the table around me. He kept yelling he didn't like what I was doing for what seemed like hours but was only minutes. I kept saying "Jesus"
The table raised up with my head in an upright position. He walked up to me and got up up to me. Pointed his finger at me and said, "You got 30 days". I said, "the blood of Jesus". He got furious and as he walked out he pointed at me and said, "30 days" and walked out. (I knew he was trying to say 30 days to live). I woke up and before I could tell Jimmy the dream, he said he was playing his Xbox. He was unwinding from work. He said as he was playing, something came through his Xbox and said, "be careful in the street". He told me what happened, I told him my dream.

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