Sunday, July 14, 2013

January, 2009 Warning Dream to my friend Redge


I drempt that Redge pulled up outside my apt and 3 spirits followed him. He didn't realize they were there. He came in, sat down and put his head down. There was so much chaos going on around him but he didn't see any of it. Redge was so lost in his own self pity, he was unaware of the things going on around him and those who were in need and in trouble. In one room off to the side it looked like one woman was being totally beat up. Behind him people were laughing, jumping up and down. Redge didn't notice. In the other room I saw my ex sleeping on top of bunk beds (which was a good message to me, meaning he couldn't do evil) and in the main room, it was very dark and there were people running around in total chaos. Redge was totally oblivious to anything going on around him. All he did was keep his head down and complain.

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