Sunday, July 14, 2013

Robbi Dream April 29, 2011


I was standing in my living room when two people without knocking walked in my front door smiling with rolling suitcases with handles in their hands, saying "if Robbie wants you with him, you go!!" Scene changes I'm at Robbi's reading an email on my laptop and the email was in all caps from Robbie,
while I was still there with him. He was in another area. I remember the email saying "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING??? I AM NOT GOING TO LET YOU RUN FROM ME THIS TIME JUST BECAUSE YOUR AFRAID OF WHAT YOUR FEELING!!!!! I WON'T LET YOU JUST DISAPPEAR FROM MY LIFE AGAIN!!!" It was an entire page in caps but that's what stuck out in the dream.

Before I can respond, the scene changed,I was storming out towards the door through his studio and I said real softly, "you don't care anyways". and in the dream he heard what I said as if I yelled it and rushed up to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards him. Everything in my arms flew down to the floor. I turned towards the door and he stepped in front of me by the door and grabbed me with both hands yelling at me saying he loved me and he wasn't going to let me run anymore from him that he waited too long to just let me disappear from his life again and it wasn't going to happen. Next scene we were making up and  kissing and then on the floor where he stepped in front of me we were making up.

Alex told me he had a suite case that was too small for him and wondered if I wanted it. I saw it recognized it from my dream and said yes. On Saturday may 14th I was at Jimmy's and he wanted my duffel bad and asked if I would be willing to trade. I said ok. He said go get it. So Dusty came with me because I had to grab a couple other things from the apt so he carried the duffel bag and hamburgers.
I got down there and it was the other suitcase from the dream. Both have wheels and handles that pull up.

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