Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dream June 2011 Robbi and the photos

dream I had about Robbi before I got here. There was a line of black and white pictures on a string or something, as if they just came out of a dark room from being developed and Robbi would go to each picture while talking to this unseen voice and if he touched their image would either change to an SE Logo or if rejected it would fall to the floor.  He was going through these pictures talking with an unseen voice. Which I believe was God although I didn't understand what was being said between them. Robbi walked over to my picture but this time he yelled my name and I remember in the dream that when he did, it shook me. In the dream he didn't know I was observing. He spoke in a very clear, confident voice and my picture changed into the SE Logo as he was talking with the unseen voice and I knew they were talking about me but had no idea of what was being said between them. The whole dream was in black and white, just like the pictures except for when they changed to the logo and it went into color. It looked like he was standing in a greek old building with no walls, and I remember seeing clouds behind the building. I remember Robbi being very confident, bold and him and God were in complete control of everything. It was an amazing dream and I knew it was from God.

Dream June 2011

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